New Things about Development in Search Engine Optimization - SEO development is made in order to create more sophisticated and efficient tool for search engine optimization. With the new development made, the similar techniques which are effective in past years perhaps are not yet suitable to be used at the moment.

The reason why Google commonly make change on the SEO techniques is none other than reducing the risk of algorithm exploitation from irresponsible parties. Even though it becomes a great step to cope with deceitfulness and spam, but it serves as new problem for many bloggers. It is because they need to learn again about the new concepts of CEO so that they can adjust with the new one. Some of these things perhaps can be beneficial for you to face the development of new SEO model.

The prominence of investment return

Investment Return
In the past technique, you might find that keywords are important matter in SEO. Choosing the best keywords can contribute into the high rank in search engine, but increasing the position does not actually refer to optimize the income. There are several types of tool which can help you to record the movement of the customers as well as decide which types of search which can contribute to the success in revenue such as KISSMetrics and RJMetrics. Instead of increasing the popularity of the website, those tools are more helping to optimize the effectiveness of the keywords. Hence, they will connect you directly to the potential buyers.

Mobile friendly app

Mobile Friendly
Supporting mobile use is another new SEO development that you can enjoy. While the past technique is support the computer use, due to big amount of people who do search through a smartphone, Google make it as one of their considerations for new technique. That’s why, at the moment, if there is a website which has poor friendliness to mobile access then it will shrink few pages. That kind of website will be hard to access using mobile since it commonly loads slower and the loading speed will disturb SEO.

Broad Keywords

Broad Keywords
Old SEO algorithm emphasizes on the use of mid-long and long-tail keywords. However, the new development now uses algorithm called Hummingbird which is pretty smarter and pickier. Instead of using those two keywords, the new one accentuates the use of broad keywords. It is since using broad keywords make the algorithm is easier in understanding both content and context of the website which automatically make more traffic in it. So, change in keyword is another new SEO development.


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